Plays › Warm Calling

Warm Calling (Chatting Live With Prospects)


Impact of Play: High


Your sales team wants to engage with key prospects real-time that are visiting your website. You recognize that your prospects are probably at their hungriest for your services while they are live on your site, and you want to be in front of them before they leave your website and venture onto the website of one of your competitors. Warmly’s Warm Calling enables you to do just that. You will be notified the second that a key prospect visits your website, and your team will be able to seamlessly enter the prospect’s live session and engage with them real-time either by chat or video chat.

Warmly recommends building out a number of Slack channels with different segments to help your sales team organize and prioritize Slack notifications. Wouldn’t you want your AEs to be notified directly when one of their key contacts or key accounts in funnel visits the website? Or if a greenfield, ICP-aligned company spends 20 seconds looking at your pricing page? Let’s get started!

Relevant Help Center Articles

See these Help Center articles for more detailed information about setting up and using Warmly’s Slack integration.

See these Help Center articles to better understand how to create important segments within Warmly. Remember that segments are used to help you filter website traffic for your company-level ICP!

Interested in seeing the Inbound Chat playbook and understanding how you can help automate the real-time engagement process through Warmly? Look here!

Interested in seeing the AI Chat playbook and understanding how you can even further automate the real-time engagement process through Warmly? Look here!


This playbook was created by Ryan Beyer, Head of Customer Success at Warmly. Please reach out to his email at with any questions or feedback.

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